Sunday, March 31, 2024

Frank Underwood for 2024

Frequently AMLO is named The Mexican Trump (Comandante Tutupiche, Comandante Fidel Castro, Comandante Hugo Chávez Frías). For me, is more like as FU at The House of Cards Netflix TV show. This guy is a very dangerous politician too: "no me vengan a mí con que la ley es la ley", he said (forgot what he took office swearing in the Constitution, because the sovereign is the people not him).

Blood is his hands: José Ramón López Obrador was killed with a shot in the back (this young man was leaving his father's store); the boy who was hit in the back of the head by a baseball ball after a fight that he won as he won the party. And the worst: 810,000 deaths for COVID19 bad administration.

This people lives at alternate reality!.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

come on

[Inspirado en el episodio How I learned English del canal Youtube CS Dojo]

De qué manera C'mon (come on) pasó a simón (caló: así es). Alguna vez quisimos hacer un diccionario de ese estilo (sin saber inglés ni lingüística). En televisión, sólo Eugenio Derbez se atrevió a hacerlo. Se atrevió a más: en un bote, que avanza lentamente en medio de la nada, sale un cartón que dice (cito de memoria): Mejor lea un libro.