Sunday, December 30, 2018

the next american war against Mexico

Those american expats -young youtubers or retired workers or expats- mean something else than the convenience life cheaper cost in Mexico? The forgotten Texas war begun like that: first, low but consistent american colonization; second, take the chance to military intervention. The pretext they already have it: innumerable bands of criminals attacking tourists.

Since 2006, is developing "mexican war on drugs". Thounsands of killers and the cartels are more powerful than ever (armed by americans: they are the bad guys -CIA, DEA, FBI, etc). The government of Mexico is so weak and corrupt that it allows these tourists to wander through the country with an expired visa.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

PAN to Mexico

A party that speaks to the insulted middle class without spitting up or discriminating against those below. Otherwise, after AMLO comes the turn towards the extreme right. For now, the left demagogy: alms by votes. Because there is no work. But without education, the people are slaves of the state. Or the private initiative (low salaries and other unacceptable working conditions). Only an educated people is truly free. And we've never seen that.

Friday, December 7, 2018

crap fourth transformation

When a reporter asked de la Madrid for his opinion on AMLO, the former president said: "He does not give me confidence".

   Me too: Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas and Andrés Manuel López Obrador were PRI members: the first from Michoacán an the second from Tabasco. Only when the PRI did not nominate them did they leave the party. Cárdenas wanted to be president and AMLO Governor.

In his memoirs, Miguel de la Madrid wrote: the left does not understand the project, the right does not understand the country.