Sunday, December 25, 2022

dr who night 1999

Via BBC documentary about the famous TV show, I knew that Tom Baker was the 4th actor playing Dr. Who. Big discover: as a time traveler, when he dies, he revivals with another age (another actor).

Now, Dr. Who's outfit remember, to me at least, looks as Indiana Jones and The Daleks as ancestrals R2D2. 

I was hope to see Genesis of The Daleks or Daleks invade Earth, but I obtained so much more: back to 1981, when we were happy but don't know it.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

coding is hard

Pick one project. Understand the problem. Read the docs. Practice. Become focused. Etc. There is not tricks: take time. Release the product, if you can (upload online). As to learn a language, not matter if it is Chinese or Java, because, at the end, is the same: communication.

On the other hand, it can give you the satisfaction of the solved problem. It requires creativity under pressure: get the solution or you'll be fired.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

words and phrases

From movies, TV series, courses, web pages, books and magazines, heard in passing:

Are you saying you want resign?

As of this writing

At the time this video is recorded

At your service, sir


By grace of the gods

Can't believe what I'm hearing

DISCLAIMER: Not sure if everything is correct.

Don't talk that

Don't toy with me

First is first

First for all

Give me a ring

Go ahead

Go out of vogue

Hold your tongue

Hunt or be hunted

I can´t delete what I did

I hate this war so much

It's easier said than done

I'll tell you what

If I am correct 

If you change your mind let me know

If you don't have the time

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

I wanna leave you 

Jump into the course and let's start it!


Keep out the way!

Keep go on

Like a UFO type-thing

Live on the now


Nobody said it was easy

Nothing but quality

Number of donuts eaten today

On last left

People is the same where ever you go

Practice, practice, practice and don't be afraid to make mistakes 

Put food on table

Really the whole thing started

The blue screen of death — BSOD

The love of his life

Truth be told


We don't do that

What we are do

What predictable is the dog, isn´t it?

Why learning to code is so damn hard?

You did the job, be fine

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

the stuff project

This morning a question assault to me: Manhattan Project or Project Manhattan? If you make the search in Wikipedia, there is not different: you get the same post. So, is crystal clear: the answer is the first form.

In possessive case, is similar: The Alan Parsons Project.

I found a ¿mkt exception?: Project Oberon: The Design of an Operating System and Compiler (ACM Press Books) by Niklaus Wirth.